all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

mercredi, septembre 24, 2003

phew..finally had a break from papers today...but i went to school to study anyway. was feeling so restless when i got home today and i just sat at my table and opened my physics textbk. read read read...but nothing went in. so i tried lying on my bed and reading it instead but that didnt help. so i sat in my reading corner..right next to my pig...and managed to read para and then i got distracted. guess where i went to. the kitchen. i was rummaging through the cupboard for like a can of jolly shandy or smtg and guess what i Qoo from taiwan!! the thing i specially saved right from the first day we were there. and i looked at the expiry date. sept 26. and i realised..good gracious! thats just 2 days away! thank goodness i found it...ha ha so im going to drink it maybe say tomorrow or something. so i brought it back to my table and starting taking snapshots of it..think i'll load it on tomorrow yes and i got addicted to taking photos that it brought me out of my room...then down..out of the house and i ended up going around takin pictures of the estate..or actually more like the sky...twas rather picturesque...hmmms


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all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.